Coronavirus social media tips to better serve customers and support your business

coronavirus social media tips

The impact that the coronavirus has had on our world in a short period of time is quite frightening. Our definition of normalcy has been tested and this pandemic has thrown us into unfamiliar territory.

For businesses, these are scary times to navigate as we all have had to do a complete 180 with our marketing efforts in less than a week, with uncertainty looming in the air as to what the right next move is.

Campaigns are being paused and social posts that were scheduled for the upcoming month no longer seem relevant. Though it’s chaotic in the digital space right now, one thing rings true now more than ever: people are looking to connect with people through their screens.

So how does your business navigate social media during this pandemic in a way that’s impactful yet ethical? Here are a few things to consider if your business decides to create content in the upcoming weeks:

Be transparent

The coronavirus has impacted all types of businesses in some way, shape or form and it’s important to share those experiences with your audience at this time. Whether your team is now working remotely at home, your business is considered essential and remains open, or you have had to temporarily close shop until further notice, stay in touch with your audience.

Let them know what your team is up to, how they’re going about their days now, and how you’ve adjusted your services to meet the needs of your customers.

Reimagine the value of your business

Depending on what your business is, think of ways you can offer value to your community right now. Whether it’s coronavirus social media updates, new podcast episodes, how-to blogs or an educational video, bringing value to your audience and tailoring your message to fit where they are right now is key.

A perfect example of this is personal trainers taking their services online and offering free daily workouts because gyms and facilities are closed for the time being. How can you adjust your business offerings to stay connected to your customers? Finding new ways – and truly helping them in a time of crisis – will ultimately create an even more loyal customer base in the future.

Create a sense of community

Tough times like these are when we lean on our community for support. Take a look at the community you’ve built thus far and think of ways you can better rally them together for a common cause. Are there certain questions you can ask your audience to create conversations? Would it make sense to create a Facebook group right now to better serve your people?

If your brand hasn’t created a community, join others! LinkedIn groups and Facebook groups are wonderful places to look for niche communities. Heck, we did that exact same thing by creating a Facebook support group for local businesses to market their businesses during these trying times. You can check that out here.

Keep them in the know

Online activity has skyrocketed during this pandemic as people are spending more time online, so you have a captivated audience ready to receive your messages and in need of your products and services. As such, this is an opportunity to further build your brand. Be vigilant in keeping your audience up-to-date on your business.

Are you a restaurant that is offering curbside pickup? An online retailer that is still shipping out products to customers? A business that has taken their in-person practices online and are offering virtual services? Share these with your community and if you want greater visibility on your posts, share away in Facebook groups!

If you need help repositioning your brand on social media, contact SWBR to shift your messaging to fit the moment.



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Ernie Thomas



Advertising is in Ernie’s DNA as he’s a third-generation family member to join the business his late grandfather founded. With that pedigree comes an almost six sense of identifying the “it factor” needed to create campaigns that spark customers to action. Ernie (or ET) uses his outgoing personality to connect with clients to build strong collaborative relationships. He digs deep to uncover new opportunities that will make a measurable difference for each client’s business. A graduate of Eastern University and Saint Joseph’s University (MBA), he has the book smarts and experience to elevate brand communications with strategies that challenge the status quo. He’s always guiding Team SWBR toward the correct target audiences, smartest campaign messages, right digital channels and best traditional tactics suited to boost sales.

When he’s not working, Ernie enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter. He’s also an avid golfer still searching for his first hole-in-one.
